The Exchange e-Bulletin

Tuesday 26th March 2019


Herts for Learning
Education news
Education news

Story time with e-books 'not as helpful' as print books

Parents and children interact less when reading electronic books together than printed ones, a study suggests.


Researchers from the University of Michigan found parents talked more about the technology than content when using electronic books.


With print, the frequency and quality of interactions were better, said lead author Dr Tiffany Munzer. The results of studying 37 pairs of parents and toddlers appear in the journal Pediatrics.


In the study, the parents and children were observed reading three different formats - printed books, basic electronic books on a tablet and enhanced e-books with features such as sound effects and animation.


The study found that with e-books parents ended up focusing more on the technology, including, for example, telling children not to push buttons or change the volume.


Read more via BBC Health

Herts for Learning news

Raising student achievement in secondary mathematics

An audience of secondary mathematics leaders and teachers assembled for the Herts for Learning (HfL) Secondary Mathematics conference, entitled Intelligent Practice to Raise Student Achievement. 


HfL’s Liz Shapland, Deputy Education Services Director (Secondary) and William Thallon, Secondary Teaching and Learning Adviser for Maths, opened the conference, and introduced the two keynote speakers: Craig Barton, renowned Director of Education at Eedi and Maths Adviser for TES, and Andrew Taylor, Head of Curriculum for Mathematics at AQA.


Craig and Andrew’s session, entitled ‘Intelligent Practice’, cleverly used the topic of ratio to discuss the link between question design, question performance and how that can help to develop teaching approaches in the classroom. Andrew gave many practical examples of exam performance demonstrating the kinds of questions children are often struggling with, and Craig discussed various techniques to help children with these, building their confidence, performance and showing how they can achieve success in assessments.


Read more about the conference via Herts for Learning

Herts for Learning news
Hertfordshire school news
Hertfordshire school news

Sawbridgeworth school wins National Schools Travel Award at the Houses of Parliament

Mandeville Primary School, Sawbridgeworth are celebrating after winning the National Primary School category at the Modeshift STARS National Schools Travel Awards held at Portcullis House at the Houses of Parliament on 5th March.


The award was given in recognition of the annual Sawbo Travel Challenge and the way that it has been extended to other initiatives.


Governors from Mandeville Primary School and two pupils who are Mandeville’s Junior Travel Ambassadors were joined by representatives from Sawbridgeworth’s Town Council including the Mayor, Angela Alder and the Active and Safer Travel Team from Herts County Council and local MP, Mark Prisk.


In a presentation, Governors and pupils from Mandeville showed the travel group's work; the feedback received from pupils and parents; and how the team work together for the Sawbo Travel Challenge. This is an initiative in which the five local primary schools, Fawbert and Barnard, High Wych, Mandeville, Reedings and Spellbrook, have an joint annual week of sustainable travel such as walking to school, cycling, scooting or 'parking and striding’ with a different 'dressing-up' theme each day, such as Trainer Tuesday or Wacky Wednesday.