Data Management Services: Newsletter September 2019
Welcome Welcome to the new Herts for Learning Data Management Services newsletter. We aim to bring you all of the latest updates and highlight changes on upcoming tasks you’ll need to carry out across the coming term. If you have any suggestions of additional content you would like us to include in future editions, please email
Jennie Readings, Head of Data Management Services
Key dates Thursday 3rd October 2019: School census day
FREE to attend. Recommended for SLT, subject leaders, teachers and governors
Upcoming tasks Statutory requirement: submission of the School Workforce Census (SWC) Thursday 7th November 2019
The Class Organisation Return needs to be submitted by the end of the first week of term. Simply run the report in SIMS and return via anycomms+. Full guidance can be found here.
Key changes and reminders can be found here. If you wish to carry out the processes contained in the school census documentation we send to schools, on your own school data, with guidance to hand from a data management consultant, then book on the SIMS Census Preparation course here.
For SIMS Post-16 Census and Maximising Post-16 funding The DMS team will now be presenting post-16 census sessions jointly with Suki Gill, 16-19 Curriculum and Funding Adviser. The aim of a session is to give an overview and understanding of the data recorded in SIMS which feeds into the census return as well as have an understanding of the key data requirements thus ensuring schools claim 100% funding in 2020/21. Sessions are available to book here, with Document DMS033 available for further guidance.
Primary schools only: Submission of Attainment on Entry data to Local Authority Friday 25th October 2019
Herts for Learning termly user group meetings Free to schools with a Data Management Services support contract “The user group meetings are an excellent opportunity to review upcoming tasks, learn about updates and share tips on how to improve.” – Linda Levy at Yavneh College
Updates from the HfL Data Management Services team Save the date: Herts for Learning Technology Showcase
HfL DMS team reaccredited by Capita for their SIMS support
DMS Portal launching at the beginning of November HfL are pleased to announce a DMS Portal will be launching on the HfL website at the beginning of November. Click here for further information.
Arbor The DMS team aim to achieve accreditation status for Arbor during the autumn term, which will allow HfL to provide Arbor support and training. If you would like to know more, please contact us via the ICT Service Desk (01438 844777 option1, option 1).
Student List Reporting webinar